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Goals 12

Goal 12

Ensure sustainable consumption and production


Research and develop truly sustainable solutions to improve consumption and production




Partially accomplished

A banner bag made from last year’s festival banner

RWMF Banner Bag

Banners are critical for the creation of an event vibe and the spreading of information. However, they are usually made on non-recyclable materials and are made for one-time use. These banners often end up in trash bins and head to the landfill after an event. Since 2016, we are diverting the non-biodegradable vinyl banners from landfill – thereby liminating waste.

These banners are collected and upcycled into our Biji-biji Merak bags. Although these banners still aren’t closing the loop, as it will still head to landfills at the end of their lifecycle as bags, at least we have lengthened the duration the material is in use. We made 450 units of banner bags for RWMF 2018 using RWMF 2017 banners. 171.9.00 square meter of banners was saved.

Paint Buckets

We rented 80 paint buckets for food waste and waste cooking oil collection. The use of these bins and containers decreased the amount of plastic bags and bin liners that would have been generated otherwise.

#UrBins: Making Recycling Fashionable
Signs encouraging food waste collection

Recycling and food waste infographics and use of placards eating areas

This year we printed out recycling and food waste infographics to engage more with the festival goers. These infographics were displayed at the Biji-biji booth. Placards informing festival goers to bring their tableware and food leftovers to waste segregation stations were also printed and pasted on the tables at all eating areas

A Infographic on Recycling & Food Waste
Placards pasted on tables at Asia Food Kitchen and Local Finger Bazaar